Monday, February 23, 2009
Tutorial Two
"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature."
There are many positives involved with using digital cameras over the more traditional film cameras. Some of these include ease of use, the ability to transfer images to others (ie. via internet), and you can take as many images you want and then delete the ones that you do not like. People are able to take more photos then they normally would because they do not need to have all their photos printed. Their photos can be stored on their computer or in portable devices.
Some negative aspects include the amount of equipment needed to capture a photo, transfer to storage and print. For most digital cameras you need batteries, battery charger, computer, cables to name a few. There are issues around storage of images. Compact discs can be wiped and computers can crash therefore you loose all your images. Using a digital camera instead of a traditional film camera takes away the element of surprise that you get when you get your film prints. Not knowing how they will turn out and if you actually captured what you were intending to.
Ethical issues also arise from image capturing. Images can easily be altered especially those images that are put publically on the internet. It is also much easier to take photos of others without them knowing. For example when Google Earth developed the street view option for maps, people were captured in comprimising positions i.e. people having affairs. And even though their faces were shaded out it was still clear to those captured and their families and friends who the person was.
Digital cameras are being used in Occupational Therapy. One area that images are used is in home modifications. Clients homes are captured to identify to funders areas that are not safe and therefore require modification.
Include reference and links to websites, or blogs you come across offers many services around photo storage. Photos and video can managed and then shared with other flickr users. Users can also make a "photo badge" that they can upload on their blog. Users can create a photo clock or order custom cards and photo stationery. is another photo storage website that offers the same services as flickr.
Optical zoom "is a mechanical assembly of lens with the ability to vary its focal length"
Digital zoom is a zoom that is achieved electronically rather than physical movement of the optical lens. Optical zoom is more desirable as the image will keep its quality when enlarged unlike digital zoom which will cause an image to become pixelated and less clear when enlarged.
Zoom lens (2009). Retrieved March, 14, 2009, from
Mega pixels are the smallest units of a digital image. Pixels contain individual colours and are arranged to make up a digital image.
Pixel (2009). Retrieved March, 14, 2009, from
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tutorial One
Hanks, P. (ed) (1989). Collins concise Dictionary. Glasglow: Bath Press.
During tutorial one, we had discussions around the issues around using information technology.
In the last 10 years this form of technology has become more and more prevelant in our society. Most forms of information technology have become common place. Do you know anyone that does not have a cellphone, digital camera or computer? You would probably have to rack your brain to think of somebody. These have become a part of our everyday lives.
I feel comfortable and competent using mobile phones, DVD players, email, the internet (ie.trademe and social networking sites), powerpoint as well as books. I believe that my confidence and ability around using these types of information technology has come from growing up with it as part of my everyday life. And because information technology is constantly changing and developing, I have learnt to problem solve when I am learning how to do something new.
Information technology is currently used in Occupational therapy to store and edit client medical notes, communication through email, and in practice research. In my fieldwork experience, the health professionals used pagers to stay in contact with each other. They also accessed an online programe that held full client medical notes.
There are ethical implications that arise from the capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices or systems. As more and more content becomes avaliable on the internet it becomes difficult to regulate and then unintended problems arise.
Computer ethics is . . . "a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct.
Retrieved February 21, 2009, from
Intellectual Property is . . .
"legal property rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas, discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs."
Retreived Februray 21, 2009, from
Social Justice . . .
"Mostly refers to an ideal of society, where "justice" refers to economic status rather than to the admistration of laws. It is based on the idea of a society which gives individuals and groups fair treatment and a just share of the benefits of society. (Different proponents of social justice have developed different interpretations of what constitutes fair treatment and an impartial share.)"
Retrieved February 21, 2009, from
Informed consent is . . . When a person gives consent when and only when they are fully infomed about the facts and consequences of an action.
Retrieved February 21, 2009, from
I believe it is important to have a great understaning of ITC and its ethical decisions because when we choose to use information technology in our practice and daily lives we can make an informed choice. An imformed choice on whether using a form of information technology will be of benefit or will harm ourselves or our clients.